Protesters gather outside of Kyiv in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Chris McGrath/Getty Images On February 24, Russia officially launched its invasion of Ukraine. Exact figures are difficult to come by, but observers say the fighting has killed hundreds of Ukrainians and injured thousands more. At least half a […]
Canon’s new SPAD sensors work by amplifying a single photon that enters the sensor’s pixels into large amounts of electrical energy pulses. This allows the camera to see objects in areas with small amounts of light. Nicky Boogaard via Wikicommons under CC BY 2.0 Canon, the Japanese optical products […]
Jan Piecha earned a spot as a finalist with their picture of three young raccoons, titled “Secrets.” Jan Piecha/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Since the competition began in 2015, the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have captured some of the funniest moments in the animal kingdom. This year’s winners and finalists include a clumsy […]