A fake smile from a lioness, a raccoon waving to the camera and a galloping farting zebra are among the 40 images shortlisted for this year’s Comedy Wildlife Photo awards.  Narrowed down from thousands of entries submitted by professional and amateur photographers from around the world, the competition aims to celebrate the hilarity of our natural wildlife. Co-founded in […]

It’s official: The iPhone 14 Pro camera is now good enough for me to use it as my only travel camera – something I couldn’t have even imagined five years ago. I’d already made the switch from a heavy and cumbersome pro-body DSLR system to a much lighter and more […]

Stormont spending on PR photography has increased by almost 200{5b4d37f3b561c14bd186647c61229400cd4722d6fb37730c64ddff077a6b66c6} in the space of just four years, it can be revealed. he bill for publicity shots increased from around £30,842 to £91,172 over this period. The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) — headed up by the DUP’s Edwin […]