8 Important Nutrients for Healthy Living

8 Important Nutrients for Healthy Living

Modern patterns and lifestyles are quite influential on changes in the diet that is consumed daily. Fast food tends to be preferred because it is considered more practical when cooked and consumed. In essence, not all fast food contains nutrients that are beneficial to the body because they contain high levels of excess fat, as well as additional food ingredients such as food additives, food colouring, and preservatives that are harmful if consumed too often and excessively.

Eating nutritious food is closely related to healthy living. Because the right diet can support the achievement of an ideal body weight as well as reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular and other types of cancer. Eating nutritious foods not only improves physical health but can also affect mood. Health Foods is food that contains various kinds of nutrients needed by the body. The human body requires a variety of nutrients to keep the body healthy and growing in order to run optimally.

Healthy and Nutritious Food

The criteria for healthy and nutritious food are foods that have balanced nutritional value and contain essential body nutritional values such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, fibre and water. A healthy diet does not need to eliminate favourite foods or certain foods from the diet program. But only need to choose the healthiest option from each category, because, in fact, it is all needed by the body, More Information : https://www.olivit.co.uk/.

Healthy Food Criteria


We can get carbohydrates from various types of food, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, wheat, brown rice and corn. Carbohydrate intake must be considered because 60 per cent of calorie intake is carbohydrates which are also the main energy source of the human body.


The human body requires a protein intake of 10-15{5b4d37f3b561c14bd186647c61229400cd4722d6fb37730c64ddff077a6b66c6} of the daily protein intake. Sources of protein that can be consumed are quite diverse, both vegetable protein and animal protein. Protein intake can be obtained from eating eggs, fish, chicken, duck, wheat, almonds and soybeans. Protein that enters the body will be processed into amino acids that function to build muscles, organs, skin and hair. On the other hand, the function of hormones is also regulated by proteins.


Fat is divided into two, namely saturated fat which can be obtained from eating meat, coconut oil and milk, then unsaturated fat can be obtained from eating fish, avocado, and nuts. In essence, fat is a good source of energy and is needed for body health. However, fat must be consumed in sufficient quantities and not excessive so that obesity does not occur. Obesity occurs due to the addition of excess calories into the body.


To increase endurance, vitamins are needed. Vitamins are also very diverse and can be obtained from every food consumed every day. Vitamins are important ingredients found in food, but they can be lost if cooked too long. This must be considered because vitamins play an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Therefore, to prevent loss of vitamin content, choose foods that are easy to process by steaming, boiling or sautéing such as carrots, fish oil, spinach, broccoli, oranges, avocado, long beans, beef, and chicken.


Inadequate calcium intake can lead to osteoporosis. Not only that, but it can also cause anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Cheese, yoghurt, almonds, and tofu are foods that contain calcium.


Minerals are substances found in the soil and digested from food. Therefore, we can extract minerals from plant and animal sources. To achieve mineral intake from food can be obtained by trying green vegetables, avocado, brazil nuts, sardines, red shrimp, and turkey. Mineral content that must be present in the body, such as iron, zinc, calcium, selenium, chloride, potassium, iodine, magnesium and copper.


Eating high-fibre foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. In addition, foods that contain fibre are not only good for the skin but also help you lose weight.


Water is an important part of a healthy and nutritious diet. This is because the human body consists of 60{5b4d37f3b561c14bd186647c61229400cd4722d6fb37730c64ddff077a6b66c6} water, so humans need to meet their daily water needs by drinking 44,448 glasses of water or the equivalent of 2 litres of water every day. Lack of drinking water can cause various health problems such as kidney stones and constipation. The benefits of water for the body are to help absorb, digest, excrete, distribute nutrients to the body and regulate body temperature.

Maintaining health is not difficult, as long as we maintain our diet and nutritional intake so that our bodies do not lack nutrients and can keep our spirits up to carry out daily activities. After knowing what the essential nutrients the body needs, let’s start and get used to eating healthy foods together.

Kenneth Proto

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