South Texas father honors late son through sports photography

For Corpus Christi resident Jose Chapa, his really like for photography sparked from watching his son do well on the rugby field. 

Chapa’s son, Gilbert Joseph Chapa, commenced taking part in rugby in elementary college after watching his father enjoy in a recreational league. 

Observing his son’s achievement on the area encouraged Chapa to improve Gilbert’s on-line existence to appeal to recruiters from leading universities. 

This earlier February, prior to he could make the collegiate amount, Gilbert took his possess daily life.

Subsequent his son’s death, Chapa questioned irrespective of whether he would at any time choose up the digital camera all over again. But he turned his talent into a one of a kind way to aid people in the Coastal Bend.

In memory of his son, Chapa photographs scholar athletes from about the region in an work to get them noticed by faculty recruiters.

“I understood I experienced to (maintain having pics),” Chapa explained. “(Gilbert) would be mad if I stopped. He was really involved in sports activities. We have been a sports household. That is what we do.”

Jose Chapa, 43, photographs a Little League softball game in Portland, Texas, on Dec. 7, 2021.

What started as a pastime, turned into a mission.

“I enjoy looking at the pure pleasure that comes out of the little ones,” Chapa mentioned. “Currently being equipped to freeze that minute for their parents is outstanding.”

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The preliminary mission 

Jose Chapa and son, Gilbert Joseph Chapa.

Just after serving in the U.S. Army from 1998 to 2008, Chapa tried out his hand at pictures with his father’s Canon T3i digital camera.

At the time he attained plenty of expertise, Chapa started photographing Gilbert taking part in a range of sports activities, but largely rugby. 

The more Gilbert performed rugby, the superior he grew to become and the additional doorways of option commenced to open up. Gilbert’s athletic skill exceeded everyone’s expectations and landed him a location on the Gorilla Rugby club crew. 

Kenneth Proto

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