Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021 winners

Ken Jensen was the overall winner with this image of a golden silk monkey looking rather uncomfortable, taken on a bridge in Yunnan, China. Ken Jensen/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

John Speirs won the Creatures in the Air category for this pigeon with a leaf on its face. John Spiers/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

The Creatures on the Land award went to Arthur Trevino for his photograph of a brave little prairie dog apparently scaring a bald eagle. Art Trevino/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Sometimes, tough love is needed. Chee Kee Teo won the Creatures Under the Water award for this photo of a mother otter teaching her baby to swim. Chee Kee Teo/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

The Portfolio Award went to Vicki Jauron for her series of photos of a baby elephant enjoying a spot of messy play. This image is the first in the series. Vicki Jauron/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Photographer David Eppley captured the moment a bald eagle missed its nest. David Eppley/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Chu Han Lin took this photo of mudskippers in Taiwan. Chu Han Lin/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Roland Kranitz submitted this photo of gophers messing around in Hungary. Roland Kranitz/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Nicolas de Vaulx photographed this curious raccoon trying to get into a house in France. Nicolas de Vaulx/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Andy Parkinson took this photo of two brown bear cubs play fighting in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Andy Parkinson/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Getting in the swing — two western grey kangaroos fight in Perth, Western Australia, photographed by Lea Scaddan. Lea Scaddan/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Gurumoorthy K photographed this tough-looking Indian chameleon in the Western Ghats mountain range, India. Gurumoorthy K/Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards 2021

Kenneth Proto

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11/18/21 Entertainment News - KTOE

Sat Nov 20 , 2021
11/18/21 Enjoyment Information — A script supervisor on the film “Rust” is suing over the fatal capturing on the established of the film in New Mexico. Gloria Allred is symbolizing Mamie Mitchell and the well-regarded legal professional went soon after Alec Baldwin. Speaking to reporters, Allred claimed Baldwin is not guilty […]
11/18/21 Entertainment News – KTOE

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