Remember the days when time travel movies were curiosity rather than commonplace? However, more and more films of this direction started to appear from this millennium and the time journey concept isn’t surprising anymore. That way, people have a great variety to choose from according to their preferences.
Speaking about time-traveling prospects in cinema, there are countless options to implement: from thrilling sci-fi thriller (‘Source Code) to amusing comedy (‘Hot Tube Time Machine’), the romantic drama (‘The Time Traveler’s Wife) to immortal classic (‘Back to the Future’). What’s more, time travel movies offer three main kinds of events course depending on the human possibilities. Characters can’t change anything (‘Harry Poter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’), may impact specific things (‘The Fires of Pompeii’) or completely turn fate around (‘Planet of the Apes’).
Still, why have some movies of the time travel genre become boring and meaningless while others remain topical and catching? It is a question to answer. Having explored diverse films of the last decades, we traced the following used tactics that helped them keep relevant over the years.
Despite every movie owing an independent story, at the same time, it completes the key puzzle. Thus, viewers strive for continuation and such films will always be in trend. ‘The Terminator’ and ‘Back to the Future’ are vivid examples. These Hollywood masterpieces stand out with the iconic cast, exquisite humor and well-thought-out plotline. Although, some sequels appeared on world screens many years later, their popularity didn’t slake at all.
2. Intriguing Plot
If the movie is primitive and can’t give people food for thought (‘Just Visiting’), it definitely won’t have the world at its feet. But, when plot twists keep you on the edge of your seat where each detail matters, it will make you thoughtful about the significant (‘Predistination’). Sometimes time-moving is so mesmerizing that you need a second or third rewatch to catch crucial details and realize the central message.
3.Unity of Time, Space and Science
When it comes to applying science factors in time travel movies, it is doubtless a win-win situation. If you add still the space topic, the killing mixture will come out. ‘Interstellar’ is evident proof of that. Thrilling actions, connected with the search for humanity’s new home somewhere in the universe, just capture from the first minutes. So, the correlation of scientific approach, timing and galaxy riddles only inflames the desire to watch.
However, sometimes it happens that such unity doesn’t appear in the correct interpretation and the whole concept falls through. Thus, directors and screenwriters should think through every detail, so the time travel movie of more serious direction won’t transfer into comedy (‘Black Knight’).
4. All on the Line
Agree, when characters’ back and forth journeys may cause a considerable turn of events, it decent tickles the nerves. Strict keeping to the scenario rules and everything at stake depending on the right move makes the film highly thrilling. ‘Looper’ is precisely that kind. Though, the main hero knows the upcoming events, traveling to the past and making proper decisions there allows him to change the future. In case of actions are predictable like in ‘A Sound of Thunder’, you won’t ever return to this film due to boredom.
While some time travel films are everlasting, others go to oblivion. The truth is that this genre will never die thanks to the above-mentioned captivating plotlines tactics. If you are a devoted fan, this site ranks almost every time travel movie. Enjoy your watching!